Michiel Zeegers started his carriere as a social worker.
After 7 years he changed his life and started acting.
He was educated at the Theatre school in Amsterdam and was a student of
Delia Salvi, Stella Adler/ New York and Warren Robertson.(method acting)
For more than 20 years he is working as an acting- coach, trainer and facilitator.
He worked as a freelancer for example for:
Abel Advisory Lawyers, ABN Amro, Achmea, Air Liquide, Ajilon, Allianz,
ANWB, AMC, Amsterdam Township,, Campina, Cisco, Connexxion,
DHV/ Royal Haskoning, Dutch Government, Dutch Railways, Euretco, Fluor, GVU,
Heineken, IHC, ING, Jellinek Amsterdam, KIT, KLM, KPMG, Kramp, PLFW,
de Meerlande, MSD, Norkem, ORTEC, Parnassia Group, Pfizer, PWC, Rabobank Group,
Royal Marechaussee, Schiphol Group, Shell, SOB, SSR, Stork, TaTa Steel, Takeda,
Unive, University of Amsterdam/ Delft/ Enschede, UPC, Yusen Logistics,Wehkamp.
Abroad he worked in Belgium, French, Germany, Ghana, Greece, New York, Spain,
Surinam, Switzerland.
Michiel is specialised in Mindfulness and Body Stress Release, System Orientated Training, Mediation, Fresh Feedback and (Cultural) Diversity.
He is also working as a Teambuilder.
Last 5 years Michiel is also working as a documentarist, in his last project he talks philosophiccally with children (10 up to 14 years) about happiness.
Michiel is also working with Gender Diversity.
His workshop Use your Power has influenced a lot of talented women, men.
He works with van Iren Consultancy and Asscher Consultancy,
both famous consultants specialised in Gender Diversity.
Michiel is also related to Juanita Wijnands (cultural diversity) as a cultural trainer.
Michiel works from connection, without contact no contract!